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Visual art by Elizabeth Castonguay 

Elizabeth's art is, according to her, "primarily dedicated to the examination and celebration of humanity in terms of our similarities and diversity."  She says, "It is my hope that through my work I will be able to address prejudice while breaking down barriers. We must begin to see our differences as revitalizing while seeing our innate similarities as the gene that ties us to one another and to the Creator of all humanity."  Elizabeth's eight-canvas painting Seeing Complementaries was chosen to be in The State Museum of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg this summer.  Her Avery won recently won first place at the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, and her latest exhibit, A Sum of the Parts, has been in The Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts Museum, St. Bonaventure University, New York.  She owns and runs Creation Art Studio in Castle Shannon, PA.


All work is property of Elizabeth Castonguay.  © 2006



Seeing Complementaries





Embracing Diversity





A Tribute To Labor






Fear of Diversity















All work is property of Elizabeth Castonguay.



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