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Gabriel Marcel  (1889 - 1973)



Awakenings (autobiography) by Gabriel Marcel


Being and Having by Gabriel Marcel


excerpt from Marcel's Tragic Wisdom and Beyond


"Conditions Conducive to Peace in Gabriel Marcel" by Bernard Gendreau


excerpt from Brendan Sweetman's The Vision of Gabriel Marcel: Epistemology, Human Person, The Transcendent


"Marcel's Mystery of the Family and Problems of Modernization" by Manuel B. Dy, Jr.




(great authors main page)


List of Works

The Invisible Sun

Being and Having

Homo Viator

The Mystery of Being

Man against Mass Society

The Decline of Wisdom

Royce's Metaphysics


Presence and Immortality

Fresh Hope for the World: Moral Re-Armament in Action

The Existential Background of Human Dignity

Philosophical Fragments

The Funeral Pyre


Problematic Man

Tragic Wisdom and Beyond





(not a complete list)






"Let us take it...that in such a bureaucratized world a certain social equality would prevail.  It would be an equality obtained by levelling [sic] down, down to the very level where the creative impulse fails."





"When somebody's presence does really make itself felt, it can refresh my inner being; it reveals me to myself, it makes me more fully myself than I should be if I were not exposed to its impact."





"The striking thing about the Precious Blood is the bond it establishes between love and suffering in our experience, a bond that has become so close that we have come to think of suffering accepted with joy as the most authentic sign of love with any depth at all."
























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