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Northrop Frye  (1912 - 1991)

  Frye was a scholar of literature who produced brilliant studies in William Blake, Shakespeare, the Bible, Romanticism and literary criticism.


"Northrop Frye's Bible"- The Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1990


The Anatomy of Criticism by Northrop Frye


Northrop Frye's Theory of Archetypes




(great authors main page)


List of Works



Anatomy of Criticism


The Critical Path


The Educated Imagination


Fables of Identity


Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake


The Great Code: The Bible and Literature


Man the Myth Maker


The Modern Century


Romanticism Reconsidered


The Secular Scripture


Sound and Poetry


A Study of English Romanticism


Creation and Recreation


Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy










(not a complete list)





"Again, nothing can give a writer’s experience and sensitivity any form except the study of literature itself. In this study the great classics, 'monuments of its own magnificence,' and the best contemporaries have an obvious priority...[H]e needs those traditions in any case. He needs them most of all when what faces him seems so new as to threaten his identity."



"In the thematic aspect of literature, the external relation between author and reader becomes more prominent, and when it does, the emotions of pity and terror are involved or contained rather than purged. In catharsis the emotions are purged by being attached to objects; where they are involved with the response they are unattached and remain prior conditions in the mind. "





















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