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Pearl S. Buck (1892 - 1973)

  Though born in the U.S., Pearl grew up and spent much of her adulthood in China.  After education in the U.S., she returned to China, married, and established a family.  When the Communist thugs took over China, she returned to the U.S. for good.  She published more than 70 books, won a Pulitzer Prize, and founded the Pearl S. Buck Foundation (International).



Pearl S. Buck International


(great authors main page)



List of Works


East Wind, West Wind


The Good Earth


The Young Revolutionist


This Proud Heart


The Patriot


Other Gods


Of Men and Women


The Promise


What America Means To Me


Portrait Of A Marriage


Talk About Russia




The Angry Wife


God's Men


The Hidden Flower


Friend To Friend


A Bridge For Passing


Stories To China


The People Of Japan


The Good Deed




China As I See It


Mrs. Stoner and the Sea


Letter From Peking




(not a complete list)




"The basic discovery about any people is the discovery of the relationship between its men and its women."




"It may be that religion is dead, and if it is, we had better know it and set ourselves to try to discover other sources of moral strength before it is too late."








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